1月. 18, 2024


Working toward a degree at NDSU as a first-generation college student is source of pride for Paige Sanders and her family.

“这对我们来说是件大事. My family’s always been really supportive of whatever I decided to do with my education. Whether it was college or the trades like my dad did,” said the sophomore from Superior, Wisconsin. “Ultimately, they’re really proud of me for being here and I’m proud of myself, too.”

桑德斯,一个 环境工程 主要, said two resources at NDSU helped significantly when transitioning from high school to college.

一个是 三重奏学生支援服务, 哪个机构为来自不同背景的学生提供服务和支持, 包括本科, 收入的资格, 第一代学生和残疾学生. Sanders said additional perks of the program are that she receives early enrollment, a mentor who checks in on how she is doing frequently and access to study spaces and tutors.

“在你完成学业的过程中,这是一个额外的支柱, 尤其是在工程方面,桑德斯说.

此外, 工程领导学习社区 在桑德斯大一的时候帮助过她. 的ELLC, made possible through a partnership between the 工程学院 and 居住生活, allows first year engineering students to live in a shared community environment in Sevrinson Hall. Students also participate in a one-credit seminar course during their fall semester to develop leadership skills within the field of engineering.

桑德斯说,ELLC帮助她结交了朋友, 培养了终身技能,使她在团队工作中更自在.

“工程学本质上是跨学科的. 如果你是机械师,你会和土木工程师一起工作. If you’re an environmental engineer, I could be working with construction management,”她说。. “So being able to form those connections early on with people from those different 主要s is really valuable.”

卡罗尔Jergenson, 新大住宿生活部住宿教育助理主任, said the collaboration between students is one of the benefits of the ELLC.

“While everyone in the community is 主要ing in a program through the NDSU 工程学院, there is a great deal of diversity in thought and focus which makes this community so unique,”她说。.  

Incoming engineering students interested in the ELLC can apply on NDSU’s learning community website.

桑德斯一直都知道她想攻读工程学学位. She decided to choose 环境工程 because of her childhood in rural Wisconsin and her passion for natural resources and helping people.  

NDSU’s 环境工程 program provides students with the skills they need to design sustainable solutions for societal challenges.

Achintya Bezbaruah, NDSU民事临时主席, 建筑与环境工程, said the program addresses the growing national workforce need for environmental engineers. NDSU为学生提供空中实践课程, 水, and soil environments and recently invested more than $1 million in resources for students.

“该项目实行小班授课, 每个学生都得到了成功所需的关注和照顾,比斯巴鲁说.

The 环境工程 capstone project allows students to design systems that solve real-world problems while also joining a national 环境工程 competition.

“Hands-on learning and real-world experience prepare our students for their future careers as engineers and entrepreneurs,比斯巴鲁说.  

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, environmental engineers have a faster than average job outlook with an expected 6% job growth by 2032.

对桑德斯来说,选择新大是一个容易的决定. 参观校园时,她立刻感到宾至如归.  

“我在旅行中很快就和教授们建立了联系. I could tell that they genuinely wanted me to be here and I could picture myself being in the program,”她说。. “The Bison spirit is everywhere on campus and I love that because I’m a big sports fan. 我在参观的时候就想,‘是的,这是我的地方.’”

One of Sanders’ mentors in her program is Kelly Rusch, a professor of 环境工程. Sanders said Rusch cares deeply about her students and always checks in with how everyone is doing.

“她非常善解人意, 她很支持我,也很有魅力,值得我学习,桑德斯说. “She really makes us pick our own minds about where we want to take our degree and how important the work we’re doing is. 我只是觉得她真的很鼓舞人心,因为她知道很多, 但她也为我们这些学生倾注了很多.”

除了在工程学院找到自己的位置, 桑德斯积极参与校园里的各种组织. 她是无国界工程师组织的主席, a non-profit service-based organization that creates sustainable solutions for communities in need.

“That organization gives college students the chance to change lives while also actually applying that engineering knowledge that they get from their classes,”她说。.

桑德斯弹奏低音提琴, 是大学交响乐团的组长, 管乐交响乐团的副队长,也是弦乐五重奏的成员. 在桑德斯, 参与了新大的音乐项目, 哪些是对所有专业开放的, 是不是有办法让她在工程之外享受激情.

“我认为这对所有学生都很重要, 不管他们是不是第一代, 能在校园里找到这样的东西. 因为如果你一直都在上学, 不管你多么热爱你的专业, 你会精疲力竭的,”她说。. “大学不仅仅是你的课程.”

She’s also a member of the NDSU’S Society of Women Engineers, Kappa Delta and Greek Life.

Involvement in campus-wide organizations has been a top priority for Sanders, 谁想从她的NDSU经历中得到最大的收获.

“保持忙碌是我性格的重要组成部分. 我来这里是为了充分利用我的大学经历. 我想要学位,我想要事业. But I also want to get out here and make lifelong friends and connections and change the college a little bit better than when I got here,”她说。. “I get involved in everything and pursue every passion I’ve got because this is the best time in your life to do it.”

Sanders wants prospective first-generation students to not be afraid of applying to college and getting involved.

“I know you might not have the most experience with what college is going to be about or what to expect or how to pay for everything, 但如果你走出去,参与进来, 认识和你专业和不同专业的人, 你要找到一个支持系统,”她说。. “每个学生来这里都是因为他们想要学位,想要成功, but I’ve never met somebody who didn’t also want the same for everyone else around them.”

Her advice for first-generation engineering students is to know that obtaining a degree is possible.  

“你能做到的, 如果你觉得自己做不到或者很紧张, 你只需要伸出手去,”她说。. “资源肯定在这里.”

马上申请 to start your path to success at NDSU or schedule a visit to see what NDSU has to offer. 

